Welcome to ReKaYu
A word or a hundred about this forum. This started as Ray, Kai and Tala roleplay forum only, but we lost our Kai roleplayer very early on and never got a new one, since my contact lists are limited. Had to improvise and Bryan came into the pictures. Recently I managed to convince (read: threat XD) new members and hopefully they won't pull Hiro on us.
Anyways. If you think you can handle a character and you aren't too shy to register and post (we don't bite ^^) feel free to join us here. We do not require perfect in-character behaviour in the threads, we ain't THAT strict (since when?) but if somebody wishes to write with you and wants you to be as in-character as you can, we won't diss you if you think you can't handle it. You can always try your best.
--When you register, please do it as the desired character.
*if the desired character is Kai or Brooklyn, contact Admin through email and we'll work it out.
--Fill the profile page as if it was the character's. If experiencing problems, contact the Admin and she will find you what you need, from good avatar to birthdays and hobbies (google is nice ^^)
--Make a little intoductory to the right section
*not have to ^^
--Be nice in the chat. It's for online plotting if you see the player you wish to start a thread with. So usually being online in the chat can be an advantage ^^